

I’m trying to focus my cocktail advice on cocktails I’ve made. Having not experimented this past weekend, I’m here to re-post the recipe for quentão, which I made a little over a month ago.

This is a riff on the recipe. It’s a cold-weather drink. But if you’re sitting in air conditioning somewhere, I think you’ll appreciate it. So here, in all its glory, is my recipe for quentão:


1 cup sugar

600 ml water

600 ml silver cachaça

Fresh ginger

½ Tablespoon cinnamon

Heat the cup of sugar over medium heat until it begins to liquefy. Once it does, add the fresh ginger and cinnamon.

Allow the mix to boil for a few moments, and then add the water and cachaça. Put heat on low and let sit for fifteen to twenty minutes, occasionally stirring until the sugar dissolves completely.

Serve immediately.



The Cocktail (Rabo de Galo)

The Cocktail (Rabo de Galo)