The Holidays

The Holidays

Is it really December? This year has been unending and rapid at the same time. I’ve been frustrated by being at home and still can’t find time to do everything I want to get done.

One of the things I’ve meant to do over the last few weeks is put together a list for all my US readers, encompassing every cachaça available to you on the market.

I haven’t done that yet.

It’s been a rough week.

Never fear, however, because, by next Wednesday, you will have a complete list of products and ways to purchase them online. That’s right, your world is turning into one where you can actually order liquor, and not just beer and wine, online.

I look forward to it.

I’ll see you next week!

Buy Some Cachaça This Holiday Season

Buy Some Cachaça This Holiday Season

Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday