That’s right, since it’s Carnival, I decided to make myself a caipirinha. And for this caipirinha, I decided to use 51. Now, 51 is known for being part of a caipirinha. People don’t generally drink it straight. But, since I was making the caipirinha, I decided to give myself a little taste.

It’s quite understandable that 51 is not generally consumed on its own. Compared to other cachaças, it is not very robust. But that’s kind of the point, I think. There’s nothing wrong with 51. It’s not a bad cachaça. It’s not undrinkable. Trust me, I’ve had cachaça that is undrinkable. This isn’t it.

It’s very light, and one could, if there weren’t the hint of cane, pass it off as a vodka. It’s not meant to have a very strong impact on the final drink.

And if you’re interested in 51, you’d better believe you can buy it in the US! Go ahead and make a caipirinha from it. You won’t be disappointed.

Meia Noite Classica

Meia Noite Classica

Retiro Velho Prata

Retiro Velho Prata