Saracura Extra Premium

Saracura Extra Premium

Distillery: Unknown, Aged by Sara Cura

Location: Brasilia, DF

Aged: Yes, 8 years

Type of Wood: European Oak

ABV: 40%

One doesn’t generally associate Brasilia with great cachaça. As the capital of the country, the city is more associated with the federal government than anything else. But well, sometimes, you can find surprises in places that are generally regarded as pits of boredom.

Sara Cura Extra Premium is an exceptional cachaça. That’s it. Aged eight years in European oak, the nose and palate are sweet and spicy, providing the consumer with a truly unique experience. The drinker gets the best of it all, experiencing the cane and the complexity of the oak.

One thing to note is that this product isn’t distilled on site in Brasilia. But it is aged in Brasilia. I haven’t found the distiller yet. So, unquestionably, the product begins with a great base. But also, unquestionably, the aging and blending process to create this Extra Premium is fantastic.

It’s not a cheap product, and justifiably so. It’s won several awards and has to be in the top five cachaças I’ve had. Well worth the time and the price for anyone interested.

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