Boa Luz Ouro

Boa Luz Ouro

Distillery: Boa Luz

Location: Laranjeiras, Sergipe

Aged?: Yes, 3 years

Type of wood: oak

ABV: 41%

It’s 2021, but I’ll admit I tried this one in 2020. What can I say? I’m slow on the jump.

I’ve been trying to branch out my purchases. By that I mean, I’ve been trying to buy from different places. I connected at a local e-commerce place and ordered about five bottles, all of which had reasonable prices. This Boa Luz was one of them. I’d seen the name before, was aware of its existence, but it had never come across my radar.

Wow. That was my first thought—a carefully crafted, smooth, elegant ouro. As the reader may remember, this term refers to a cachaça that has likely been resting or aged in a rather large barrel, in this case, somewhere over 700 liters (since we know it’s been aged for three years, if it were 700 liters or smaller, it would be an Extra Premium). And as I’ve expressed before, learned from experience, you really can’t judge a cachaça by the time it’s been aged.

The nose is strong cane with notes of vanilla and spice. It clings to the glass nicely, a lovely brown shade. The first sip is warming and smooth. It doesn’t overwhelm the tongue. It’s almost buttery in its sinfulness. It’s not sweet by any means, I’m simply referring to the way it goes down smooth, the way it placates the tongue. It left me wanting more, and by more, I mean more in my glass.

A great product with an average appearance, this is a cachaça to be valued. Though some would say it’s great for drinks. I wouldn’t use it that way. But then again, you all know that I’m not the greatest cocktail connoisseur. Get this cachaça. You won’t be disappointed.

Amaranta Oak-aged

Amaranta Oak-aged

Cachaça Triumpho Oak

Cachaça Triumpho Oak